Digital Library in the Central Library of Labour and Social Security (GBPiZS)

Digital Library has been set up with the aim to facilitate access to the GBPiZS prodigious collection of books on various aspects of labour and social security. Its public, i.e. non- copyrighted resources, are available on-line to all the Internet users. The copyrighted materials are available on the spot in our Library, where readers may use both electronic and paper book versions.

Information on our latest acquisitions are on the website of the Central Library of Labour and Social Security as well as in the on-line directory accessible from the same website.

At the moment the GBPiZS Digital Library is composed of four collections: Bibliographies, Committee of Labour and Wages Collection, Collective Agreements and PhD dissertations. The first one contains publications elaborated and issued by the Central Library of Labour and Social Security and is divided into four sub-collections:Bibliography of Economic and Social Aspects of Labour, Monothematic Bibliographies, Personal Bibliographies, Catalogues and Reference Books. The Committee of Labour and Wages Collection comprises books collected from 1918-1972, first by the Ministry of Labour and Social Care and then by the Committee of Labour and Wages. The Collective Agreements Collection is composed not only of agreements themselves, but also of tariffs schemes related to particular agreements. PhD dissertations come from the Institute of Labor and Social Affairs.

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